Mente Blog
Birth Trauma: How to Get The Support You Need
Did you know that the joy of welcoming a new baby can sometimes be overshadowed by unexpected emotional storms? It's a difficult subject but an important one because around 9% of new birthing parents experience postpartum PTSD. It's like a hidden story that exists...
How to Cope With A Colicky Baby (For Parents)
As a new parent, there is no sound more beautiful than your baby's first cries. However, when those cries continue and become more frequent and inconsolable, it can transform those moments of joy into periods of anxiety and stress. If you find yourself attempting...
Nurturing Your Path Through Grief
Grief is a term that resonates with profound depth yet is rarely discussed openly, leaving many feeling disoriented as they navigate through this tumultuous time. Grief serves as both a time to reflect upon treasured memories as well as serving as a canvas upon...
The Mind-Body Connection: A Path to Holistic Wellness
Introduction: As we journey through the intricate maze of modern life, it becomes increasingly important to expand upon our understanding of the connection between our mental and physical well-being. The mind-body connection is strangely impactful on our lives; yet...
International Transgender Day of Visibility: Celebrating Transgender People and Their Contributions
March 31st marks International Transgender Day of Visibility, a day dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness about the discrimination and challenges the community has and continues to face. This day is an opportunity to show support for the...
Emotional Resiliency: A Brief Guide for Coping with Stress, Anxiety, and Depression
Why is it that some people can seemingly take emotional hit after hit and keep on going and be seemingly unphased? Today we're looking at emotional resilience, how to build resiliency, and how it can aid someone experiencing difficult situations. Emotional...
The Power of Vulnerability in Building Strong Relationships
Most of us have a deeply ingrained desire for connection and a sense of belonging. In order to cultivate, and maintain strong, healthy relationships, we must first be willing to be vulnerable with others – a task significantly easier said than done. Forming close...
An Interview with Cyndy Snyder, PhD, NBC-HWC
Most of us know that, in order for human beings to thrive, we need relationships. We are social creatures that crave community and benefit greatly when we can be together with other trusted people. Businesses are no different. Mente thrives, not just because of the...
The 6 Most Important Questions to ask a Therapist
It can be hard to get started with therapy. For most people, the reason motivating them to look for services are related to stress, grief, and a variety of situations that are not going well in life. Figuring out how to find the right therapists, especially if this...
An Interview with Margaret Lacy, LMHC about SPACE Treatment Program
I am very excited to share this interview with our readers. Without hesitation, I can say Margaret is one of the most amazing people I have met in my life. I first met Margaret over 4 years ago, and what struck me the most about her was how grounded she remained...